
A Sparkling Gem of History in the Making

When I say “historical society,” what comes to mind? I admit that the word “dust” was part of my mental picture. My presumptions did not include “cutting-edge” or “stunning.” But those are, in fact, two words that I will forever use to describe the ambitious [...]

By |2024-01-10T10:51:46-05:00September 8th, 2021|Adams County, Partnership|

Do You Believe in Second Chances?

Think about the worst thing you’ve ever done. Really. Pause there for a moment—and then you’ll see where I’m going with this. The quote, “Each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done” by Bryan Stevenson is a quote that our partners [...]

By |2021-08-12T08:19:34-05:00August 12th, 2021|Adams County, Partnership, Workforce Development|

Press Release: Alliance Opens Search for Legal Counsel, Welcomes RFPs

GETTYSBURG, PA (July 14, 2021) – The Adams County Economic Development Corporation (ACEDC) and the Adams County Industrial Development Authority (ACIDA), both under the umbrella of the Adams Economic Alliance, are seeking new legal counsel and inviting interested attorneys to submit a Request for Proposal [...]

By |2021-07-14T11:14:07-05:00July 14th, 2021|Adams County, Press Release|

Reminder: The Alliance Has Your Back

I’m hearing a lot of phrases these days that include the word “back.” As in, we’re getting back to normal, we’re back in business, tourists are coming back, customers are coming back and so on. Adams Economic Alliance is here to support all the comebacks! [...]

Propel Your Business with Intel

Time for a little Adams County trivia: Can you name the five closest airports to Adams County? How many homeowners are there in Adams County? Think about Adams County demographics: Which age group is largest? And this one might be tough: Think about the talent [...]

Exciting Manufacturing News on the Horizon

Tom Palisin, executive director, the Manufacturers' Association, in the new Center of Excellence's shop This column was published in the Gettysburg Times, May 13, 2021 Need some positive news? One of the brightest spots on the region’s economic horizon is thanks to our partner the [...]

By |2021-05-13T07:04:36-05:00May 13th, 2021|Partnership, Workforce Development|

Press Release: Alliance, Bermudian Springs School District Announce Collaboration to Rehabilitate Former Middle School

Above, the former Bermudian Springs Middle School, 7335 Carlisle Pike, York Springs Childcare and Community Health Services Proposed for the $3.4 Million Adaptive Reuse Project GETTYSBURG, PA (May 6, 2021) – The Adams County Industrial Development Authority (ACIDA) is partnering with the Bermudian Springs School [...]

By |2021-05-06T21:35:38-05:00May 6th, 2021|Adams County, Partnership, Press Release|

Press Release: CHIRP Grants Help Adams County Hospitality Industry, to the Tune of $1.135 Million

Adams Economic Alliance Awards COVID-19 Hospitality Recovery Program (CHIRP) to 64 Businesses GETTYSBURG, PA (April 21, 2021) – More than 60 Adams County tourism and hospitality-focused businesses will be sharing $1.135 million in state grant money, administered by Adams Economic Alliance, with support from the [...]

By |2021-04-21T11:19:50-05:00April 21st, 2021|Adams County, COVID-19 News, Press Release|

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You are invited to partner with AEA as an investor. Partner with your local Certified Economic Development Organization to support business retention, expansion and attraction efforts in Adams County. AEA provides support to local businesses through a knowledge base of service providers, financing programs, economic development tools and connections.

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