Have you noticed the color green has become a popular trending color for business logos? That’s because green signifies healthy growth. It’s also the color of money!

In nature, green growth doesn’t just happen during the spring and summer seasons. Inspired by evergreen trees, we developed a free series of workshops open to any and all business owners, from entrepreneurs to small business owners, those in corporate or non-profit roles.

Think about it: Evergreens remain green, thriving through all four seasons, and isn’t that your business goal as well? As we continue to assist Adams County’s businesses through the challenging pandemic conditions, we want to provide the tools and knowledge for successful outcomes.

“Be An Evergreen” is a free, three-part workshop series developed in partnership with our region’s U.S. Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Shippensburg University. Take one or all three sessions, planned for the following dates:

  • First Steps: Starting and Planning a Small Business – Wednesday, January 27, 10 a.m.
  • Financial Forward – Wednesday, February 10, 10 a.m.
  • Small Business Case Study: Success Due to Data – February 24, 10 a.m.

“This workshop series outlines the fundamental building blocks for a business,” says Robin Burtner, Director of the SBDC at Shippensburg University. “For pre-venture entrepreneurs, it ensures you are starting your business on the right foot with the right tools. For existing businesses, it’s a way to reboot your business and grow stronger than last year.”

The “First Steps” webinar is the center’s most popular workshop since its development nearly 15 years ago. Topics include personal and lifestyle issues of the entrepreneur or business owner; the legal, financial and tax considerations of a small business; and the “how-to’s” of business registration, government regulations and compliance issues.

“The first session is intended to provide aspiring small business owners with an overview of many of the issues involved in planning and launching a new business venture,” Burtner says.

The second session, “Financial Forward” addresses the Achilles heel of many business owners.

“A common weakness in businesses is the lack of financial understanding and recordkeeping,” says Burtner. “This workshop is designed to help business owners understand the importance of their numbers and not to be afraid of them. Many owners will just say, ‘My accountant has that information.’ Or, ‘I haven’t kept up on my books to know my COGS.’ But not understanding your financials and projections can hinder a business in making sound decisions.”

To sign up for one or all three workshops, click here! Or contact the Alliance at gro.ecnaillasmada@eciffo or 717-334-0042. Hope to see you there!

Our valued partner, the SBDC at Shippensburg University, offers no-cost and confidential consulting to for-profit businesses. Professional consultants are assigned to clients to provide technical assistance. Areas of assistance include business planning, financial projections, loan assistance, marketing, market research, business registration, COVID recovery, disaster planning and environmental permitting. Reach out to them at ude.pihs@cdbs or see www.ship.edu/community/sbdc/.