GETTYSBURG, PA (January 5, 2021) – Amid 2020’s unprecedented and uncertain economic conditions, Adams Economic Alliance likewise delivered unprecedented, “steadfast” support to the business community, said Robin Fitzpatrick, Alliance President. She invites individuals and businesses to become 2021 Alliance investors as the organization remains “poised” to “chart new courses through pandemic recovery.”
“Adams Economic Alliance is excited to wrap up 2020 and usher in a new year with a renewed sense of hope that 2021 will be better,” said Fitzpatrick. “If you’re considering New Year’s resolutions, perhaps you’d like to be a part of an organization whose mission is to support a healthy economy through planned development and affordable workforce housing, jobs that pay living wages and transportation for all.”
The Alliance is comprised of three organizations that, combined, act as a resource for businesses including their recruitment, relocation, expansion and support. The Adams County Economic Development Corporation (ACEDC) administers low interest loans through the Commonwealth of PA; the Adams County Industrial Development Authority (ACIDA) and the Adams County General Authority (ACGA) are involved in land development and issue bonds as another tool for financing.
“During this unprecedented year of 2020, the Alliance’s small but mighty staff, along with our state, regional and local partners, banded together to help the county’s businesses and organizations weather the pandemic’s economic impact,” said Fitzpatrick. “We were steadfast, and worked tirelessly to assist businesses in their applications for relief—and we are poised to do the very same in the coming year.”
Fitzpatrick reflects on major 2020 Alliance accomplishments:
- Alliance staff, along with a handful of key community leaders, assisted the County of Adams to process applications to the Fund for Adams Investment and Recovery (FAIR) grant program created to disburse the county’s share of federal CARES Act COVID-19 funding.
- The coordination of 15 Adams County businesses receiving a combined total of $1,186,950 of the state’s COVID-19 Working Capital Access (CWCA) Program administered by the Commonwealth.
- Several workshops, held virtually, to gather feedback and provide information to area businesses amid the pandemic, including the September 29 “Recovery Resources Recap: Current Programs and How to Apply,” held in conjunction with National Small Business Week, which featured speakers from partner SCPaWorks.
- Ongoing communications including numerous eBlasts throughout 2020 to notify business leaders of COVID-19 relief programs and resources.
- The facilitation of a low-interest $185,000 loan to the Baldwin family, owners of Land of Little Horses, for the expansion and purchase of an additional 15 acres.
- The facilitation of a low-interest $275,000 loan to help new business Caterpillar Clubhouse launch—this is a Fairfield daycare facility that rehabbed the former Metz Hardware Store.
- A total of 149 low-interest loans facilitated by Alliance staff to Adams County businesses since 1996, in partnership with the Commonwealth.
- More than $31 million in total public investment facilitated by the Alliance staff via partnerships with the Commonwealth and various state programs to Adams County businesses since 1996.
- More than $81 million in total private investment facilitated by Alliance staff in partnership with our local lending institutions to Adams County businesses since 1996.
- The sale and upcoming development of the downtown Gettysburg Station site is progressing.
- The Alliance’s online Adams Intel tools and data continue to be available to all Adams County business and community leaders at
Alliance membership for 2021 is open to individuals, local governments and corporate investors, with details on the Alliance website,
“We do not want to appear tone-deaf amid the current climate of economic uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Fitzpatrick added. “We recognize that many individuals and businesses are hurting, while others are financially intact and healthy.”
“We could not have weathered 2020 without the support of generous, community-minded investors. We are truly grateful for all 2020 investors, as well as those who have already committed their support for 2021. This campaign supports the operations of the Alliance and is critical to our existence—especially as we chart new courses through pandemic recovery,” Fitzpatrick said.
Investors are invited to attend the free, virtual Annual Membership Meeting of the Adams County Economic Development Corporation (one of three entities under the Alliance’s umbrella) at 10 a.m. on January 13, featuring guest speaker Dave Parsell, co-founder and CEO of Localintel, one of the most innovative government technology companies in the world. For more information, contact the Alliance at 717-334-0042 or gro.ecnaillAsmadA@eciffo.
The Adams Economic Alliance is comprised of three organizations: The Adams County Economic Development Corporation (ACEDC), the Adams County Industrial Development Authority (ACIDA) and the Adams County General Authority (ACGA).