Public Invited to Annual Membership Meeting on January 24
GETTYSBURG, PA (November 30, 2018) – Adams County saw “significant economic boons” in 2018, according to Robin Fitzpatrick, Adams Economic Alliance President, and she says the county is poised for a continued upswing in all areas of economic development in 2019. Investors are currently being welcomed for the 2019 calendar year.
“Adams County’s economy made great strides and progress over the past year—in workforce development, employment, land development, regional partnerships, and business development including loans to new and existing businesses further diversifying Adams County’s industries,” Fitzpatrick says.
Fitzpatrick cites major 2018 Alliance accomplishments:
- The sale and upcoming development of the downtown Gettysburg Station site
- Gettysburg Borough established a Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance (LERTA) program to attract a quality project to the Gettysburg Station site for the greater good of Adams County—which was approved by all entities in November
- The community series of Advantage Adams industry cluster and workforce development discussions
- The launching of the Alliance’s online Adams Intel tools available to all current or potential Adams County business leaders at
- A series of meetings and presentations with each of Adams County’s municipal leaders to individually and collectively strategize on expansion of the county’s tax base—in partnership with officials from the Adams County Office of Planning and Development
- Four major low-interest business loans totaling nearly $2 million provided to Adams County businesses during 2018
- A total of 147 low-interest business loans facilitated to Adams County businesses since 1996, in partnership with the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority
- $30.5 million+ secured in total public investment via low-interest loans and grants to Adams County businesses from state sources since 1996
- $80.1 million+ in total private investment via local commercial financing facilitated to Adams County businesses since 1996
Alliance oversight is provided by a Board of Directors comprised of community and business leaders, along with numerous committees and committee members. Funding is provided by several key sources including members, termed “Investors.”
“The Adams Economic Alliance is the leading partner in supporting existing business expansion and attracting new compatible economic opportunities for our community. Becoming a member helps to support this mission and allows new members to add their voice to this important and ongoing discussion,” says Marty Qually, Adams County Commissioner and Alliance Membership Chair.
Alliance membership for 2019 is open to both individual and corporate investors, with details on the Alliance website,
The public is also invited to the Annual Membership Meeting of the Adams County Economic Development Corporation (one of three entities under the Alliance’s umbrella) on January 24, 2019 at the Gettysburg College Atrium Dining Hall. The dinner and meeting begins at 5 pm; tickets ($45) may be secured by contacting the Alliance at 717-334-0042 or gro.ecnaillAsmadA@eciffo. The RSVP deadline is January 16.
“We are appreciative of the many individuals, municipalities, nonprofits and businesses who have already committed to being 2019 Investors. We appreciate your support of Adams County’s economic development and ongoing community resources, supporting current and future businesses of all sizes, their recruitment, relocation, expansion and support services,” Fitzpatrick said.
The Adams Economic Alliance is comprised of three organizations: The Adams County Economic Development Corporation (ACEDC), the Adams County Industrial Development Authority (ACIDA) and the Adams County General Authority (ACGA). For more information, see, or follow AEA on Twitter (@AdamsAlliance), Facebook ( and LinkedIn (Adams Economic Alliance).