Sidney Willoughby Run, 730 Chambersburg Rd, Gettysburg, is the site of the ACEDC Annual Membership Meeting set for February 1, 2018.
This article was originally published in the Gettysburg Times, January 11, 2018.
By Robin Fitzpatrick
Every year we are honored to showcase one of Adams County’s many thriving venues by holding our annual membership meeting at a new and exciting location. This year, on February 1, it is very appropriate that the Annual Membership Meeting of the Adams Country Economic Development Corporation (ACEDC) will be held at Sidney Willoughby Run, Gettysburg. We are especially proud of their success, since ACEDC played a role in welcoming their flagship restaurant located in East Berlin.
The public is invited and encouraged to attend on February 1, to learn more about the county’s economic development initiatives, the nonprofit organization’s 2017 accomplishments as well as objectives for 2018. ACEDC is one of three organizations under the umbrella of the Adams Economic Alliance (AEA). Reservations for the event are required and due by January 16.
Overall, Adams County’s economy has made progress over the past year. Unemployment is at an all-time low since 2007. At the same time, we have seen increased development and expansion of several key industries such as the plastics industry and agribusiness. Ongoing land development plans assure continued growth and industry diversification. All are signs of a healthy economy.
Our benchmarks also continue to grow. Between 1996 and 2017, AEA has generated the following economic activity within Adams County:
- $29.7 million+ in public investment via low-interest loans and grants from the Commonwealth
- $80 million+ in private investment via local commercial financing
ACEDC oversight is provided by a Board of Directors comprised of community and business leaders, along with numerous committees and committee members. We are very grateful for the years of service and leadership provided by Board Chair Barbara Hartman, Realtors Association of York & Adams County. We are equally excited to announce that Michael Cogliano of Wellspan Gettysburg Hospital will be ACEDC’s new Board Chair.
Several committees of the ACEDC have worked diligently over the past year to bring forward bylaw amendments for the membership’s consideration on February 1, a copy of which was included in each 2017 investor’s invitation for the event. The amendments focus on leadership and board succession for the organization.
Funding is provided by several key sources including members, termed “Investors.” We cannot begin to express how appreciative we are, for the many individuals, municipalities, nonprofits and businesses who have already committed to being 2018 Investors. We appreciate your support of Adams County’s economic development, supporting current and future businesses of all sizes, their recruitment, relocation, expansion and ongoing support services.
The February 1 Annual Membership Meeting will be held at 5 pm at Sidney Willoughby Run, Gettysburg. Tickets are $45 and include networking, an update on ACEDC’s activities, plus an array of hors d’oeuvres prepared by critically-acclaimed Chef/Owner Neil Annis. A cash bar will be available. To RSVP, please call 717-334-0042, ext. 0, or email your response to gro.ecnaillasmada@eciffo. The RSVP deadline is January 16.
Robin Fitzpatrick, President of Adams Economic Alliance, can be reached at 717-334-0042. The Adams Economic Alliance (AEA), is comprised of three organizations: The Adams County Economic Development Corporation (ACEDC), the Adams County Industrial Development Authority (ACIDA) and the Adams County General Authority (ACGA). For more information, see, or follow AEA on Twitter (@AdamsAlliance), Facebook ( and LinkedIn (Adams Economic Alliance).