Whether you make a New Year’s resolution, choose a “word of the year,” or set a series of goals for the new year, all of these strategies are designed to propel you forward into new growth and achievements.
The same is true for businesses and organizations!
Here at Adams Economic Alliance, our theme for 2020 is #AdamsCoAdvantage. This year-long campaign will focus on the many advantages to living, working and playing in Adams County. Whether you’re a life-long Adams County resident or new to Adams County, whether you’re a regular visitor or employed here, we hope to reinforce—and add to—your knowledge of #AdamsCoAdvantages.
Let’s jump right in. Here are 5 #AdamsCoAdvantages to get you started:
- Location is a prime #AdamsCoAdvantage. Located within a day’s drive of 40% of the U.S. population and 60% of the Canadian population, Adams County also attracts millions of visitors every year to experience the majestic battlefields, charming downtowns and serene orchards.
- A thriving economy is an #AdamsCoAdvantage for both residents and businesses alike. There are three core industries—tourism, agriculture and manufacturing–plus growth and diversification across other sectors.
- Adams County’s fruit belt industry is a unique #AdamsCoAdvantage. The roots of Adams County’s fruit industry took hold in the mid-1800’s. Today’s Adams County ranks: 1st in the state for apple production, 6th in the nation for apple production, 1st in the state for the value of sales of horses and fruit, and 2nd in the state for the number of turkeys. Adams County’s hard cider industry is also quickly gaining traction.
- Tourism, and its impacts, are an #AdamsCoAdvantage. Not only does the tourism industry provide valuable jobs and businesses, but visitors spend over $650 million in the County annually, generating $135 million in tax revenue.
- People—residents, business leaders and owners—tell the stories of #AdamsCoAdvantages. Michael Cogliano, our Board Chair, is one example. “I see my involvement with the ACEDC and the Alliance as complementary to my work as a hospital administrator, rather than in addition to it,” says Cogliano, Vice President of Operations for WellSpan Gettysburg Hospital. “In many ways, the economic health of the community we serve has a direct impact on the physical health of that community.” Healthcare is the second-largest sector of employment in Adams County, behind manufacturing. The latest ranking of all 67 Pennsylvania counties places Adams County 10th in terms of health outcomes, 6th for length of Life, 23rd for quality of life and 22nd for clinical care (2018 Robert Wood Johnson County Health Rankings, cited in the 2018 Community Health Needs Assessment for Adams and York Counties prepared for Healthy Adams County).
These facts and stories just begin to scratch the surface. We look forward to sharing more in 2020!
That’s where YOU come in. We invite you to contact us with your unique stories and anecdotes that we can showcase throughout the year. Did you move to Adams County for a specific, compelling reason? Do you have a unique talent or trade that allows you to work in Adams County? Does your Adams County business or employer have a unique story? We’d love to hear from you–contact us at gro.ecnaillasmada@eciffo.
DYK? Nearly all of the #AdamsCoAdvantages shared in this column came from Adams Intel, a huge collection of business data on our website!